This week’s meal plan

I admitted to slacking. Now I’m proving that I’m getting right back up. Here’s what I plan on eating Monday-Friday this week. You will recognize this format if you are a LoseIt user!



A few explanations:

  • I take about 10 minutes to walk at work. Just a nice midday break from sitting. I think it burns slightly more than 14 calories, but whatever. I also do yoga for 1 hour, but I think the app tends to overestimate calories burned so I adjusted a bit.
  • The items listed for breakfast are the ingredients in today’s smoothie. It was amazing.
  • The vanilla protein balls recipe can be found here. I had to order plant protein especially to make them. They are not the tastiest thing I’ve ever eaten, but it’s kind of like eating cookie dough at no risk, so that’s fun. Since I have so much protein powder around, I’ll definitely be looking into more recipes for protein cookies and truffles.

And here’s the macronutrient breakdown of my day:


See, it’s definitely possible to be vegetarian, low cal, and high protein!

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